Premium Mixed Flowers Bouquet with 5.5 Lbs Two Tier Wedding Cake

Guaranteed Same Day Delivery If Order Before 4 P.M.


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Mixed Flowers Bouquet with 5.5 Lbs Two Tier Wedding Cake

Rs. 2825

A special Wedding Cake that will be the ideal toast for wedding ceremony.  Send this astounding Two-Tier Wedding Cake with nice yellow floral decorations for any wedding or other grand occasion. This cake weighs 5 Lbs and is freshly baked. To ensure the freshness of the cake this cake is delivered in hand.

Rs. 2975

7 Lbs Two Tier Wedding Cake.

Rs. 3455

9 Lbs Two Tier Wedding Cake.

Rs. 4055

Earliest Delivery : 13-FebRemote locations may take one day more.

Make It Extra Special With Below Listed Add-On